Educational Resources

Oil Drum Storage: Best Practices

“What are the best practices for storing and handling oil drums?” Oil drum storage should be indoors away from potential contamination. This would include dust, humidity from process steam and wash down areas. Do not keep oil drums on the factory floor or in the machine shop. Contaminants like metalworking…

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Construction Lubricant. Are you using the right one?

Equipment breakdown at a construction site can severely compromise your project schedule. In the construction industry, you are constantly striving to meet deadlines, lower operating costs and maximize equipment availability. Whether you need a reliable construction lubricant supply for remote projects or increased equipment availability, Shell Oil has a wide…

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Farming Equipment damages from weather

The Midwest weather can change from one extreme to the next. Freezing cold, hail, relentless rain, and scorching dry spells can not only impact the land but it can have lasting effects on your farming equipment that can lead to permanent damage. These effects can bring your farming business to…

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