We know you expect a lot from your engine oil, so at Shell, we routinely collect and test our own oils as well as our competitor’s oils (competitor benchmarking). We do this to understand potential product shortcomings for future designs as well as to validate performance.

Recently, Shell ran an industry standard test, the Volvo T-13, a very severe 360-hour duration, high temperature oil oxidation test. The test pushes oil marketers to develop engine oils that are resilient in newer, severe, fuel efficient engines.

Shell ran the test, which acts as a key barrier against engine oils with inadequate oxidation protection, at an independent testing facility with a sample of Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40. This test is critical to pass in order to meet the industry standards for performance in the API CK-4 and FA-4 categories of engine oil. The sample was sent blind to eliminate bias.

The sample of Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40 did not meet the passing limits for either API CK-4 performance standards, nor the more stringent requirements for Volvo, MACK and Cummins. These standards help set the bar for the oxidation stability of engine oils.

Oxidation stability of an engine oil refers to its capability to resist thermal and chemical breakdown during engine operation. It is a key indicator of an engine oil’s ability to protect itself, the engine hardware, and your investment. Using an engine oil lacking oxidation stability can lead to engine maintenance and performance issues including reduced oil drain intervals, shorter engine life, reduced energy efficiency and fuel economy.

Read the report here.

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